Enhancing Learning with OTu Apps

Join Dr. Michael Wong and Dr. Jayna Niblock in an interactive discussion about OTu apps for deep learning and how the apps are being used in the classroom.

0:10 Introduction
1:15 Dr. David Plutschack Introduction
2:04 Dr. Michael Wong Introduction
3:03 Dr. Jayna Niblock Introduction
4:14 Strategic Partnership with Star Institute
5:11 What is OT-U and why did we do it?
7:37 Top 3 Objectives
8:18:00 What is OT-U?
9:30:00 OTU apps for your Fundamental Skills
14:30:00 OTU apps for your Virtual Classroom
15:30:00 3 main Challenges for Learning
17:15:00 How to use lab handouts
20:37:00 Assistive devices/Transfer training app
25:45:00 NeuroExam app
28:22:00 Splinting Fabrication app in classroom
33:35:00 Case Studies available in apps
34:38:00 Virtual labs
38:27:00 How to use Developmental milestones
45:53:00 Seeing the big picture
46:10:00 Using Clinical Pattern Recognition to build context
53:45:00 Clinicians can also use these apps
55:00:00 Activity Analysis
59:00:00 Adaptive Equipment Pro
59:56:00 Sensory Integration app
1:00:57 Apps on the way
1:01:56 In collaboration with Multiple Universities
1:02:11 Cost to students