Supercharging OT Education with these exciting updates!

  • We are delighted to welcome our new Education Lead - Dr. Yvonne Randall

  • Faculty webinars are back!

  • Simulations & e-learning modules are now available in the webapp

Supercharging the OTu team - Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L, FAOTA

Dr. Randall brings 25 years of higher education experience to the OTu team. She also brings a leadership focus in her past roles as Chairperson of the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC), Treasurer – Society for the Study of Occupation (SSO: USA), Speaker – AOTA Representative Assembly, AOTA Board of Directors, President – Nevada Occupational Therapy Association, and Mentor – AOTA Emerging Leaders Development Program. 

Her curriculum development, teaching, and learning expertise will lead content development for OTu. She will host the summer series of webinars to help you take your course and your program to another level. 


Simulations & eLearning Modules are finally available in the OTu webapp suite!

The OTu education lead team is delighted to announce new simulation & e-learning modules that have just been added to the web app.

  • Prepare for tests and quizzes

  • Self-knowledge checks

  • Develop clinical reasoning

  • Board exam test preparation


Short patient-based scenarios designed to help students apply and interpret learned knowledge in a simulated clinical environment.


Typically broken into several “chapters” consistent with the components of an evaluation or treatment sessions, and often used as homework or pre-work. Students will be able to synthesize and apply content that they have already been exposed to.


Simple, short, and easily deployed. These mini-assessments help the students draw on the knowledge they have acquired, and can be used as quizzes or exam preparation.

Click any of the apps below and begin to explore these modules!

ProductsMichael Wong