EXPLORE: How to use these eLearning modules to enhance student learning?


Short patient-based scenarios designed to help students apply and interpret learned knowledge in a simulated clinical environment. Typically 5-10 minutes long, and multiple-choice, matching-based items.


Simple, short, and easily deployed. These mini-assessments help the students draw on the knowledge they have acquired and can be used as quizzes or exam preparation.


Typically broken into several “chapters” consistent with the components of an evaluation or treatment sessions, and often used as homework or pre-work. Students will be able to synthesize and apply content that they have already been exposed to.


Learn more about how these adopted programs transform learning with OTu

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  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Sheila Krajnik

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  • If you are ready to adopt, check out these purchase options for your school.


Best Use Case: Assign these SIMulations in your syllabus

These simulations should be used during the week of or after the students learn about a topic or concept. Learn how to assign these simulations in your syllabus.

Best Use Case: Use learning reports to track student participation

Determine how to use the learning reports so omit that you can track student participation.