Mastering Clinical Anatomy and Palpation with OTu: Core Skills for OT & OTA Student Success
Understanding the musculoskeletal and neurological structures is fundamental for OT students, as these structures form the foundation of movement and occupational performance. However, mastering the vast range of anatomical details—such as location, surface palpation, and structural assessment—can be daunting. This webinar explores OTu’s unique resources designed to simplify the learning process, empowering educators and students to overcome these challenges with confidence. Register now to equip yourself with strategies for navigating clinical anatomy essentials for student success!
Featured Speaker: Sheila R. Krajnik, EdD, OTR/L Dr. Krajnik brings over 43 years of diverse clinical and academic expertise to the OTu Team, specializing in adult neurological practice and gerontology. With extensive experience across various settings, she has held administrative and clinical specialist positions, contributed to research and advocacy efforts, and excelled in educating future OT and OTA practitioners.
00:00 Welcome from the OTu Educator Team
03:05 Body Structures & Functions: Teaching Challenges & How OTu Can Help
06:56 Neuroanatomy App Features: Learn By Slice, Learn By Tract, & Neuroanatomy Explorer
15:22 Surface Anatomy Palpation App: Peripheral Nerves, Bony Anatomy, & Soft Tissue Structures
24:34 ROM, MMT, & Palpation App: Manual Muscle Testing & Goniometry
29:59 Teaching Content: FREE Lab Handouts & Worksheets
31:25 Interactive Student Assessment & Self-Quizzes: ROM/MMT Simulations