Hi Everyone, It’s Mike from OTu,
We are excited to announce a big new update to the NeuroRehab app, authored by Dr. Sara Kraft and created in Partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina.
In this new update, all intervention videos have been carefully reorganized by impairments or functional movements to improve searchability while improving usability in the clinic and the classroom.
A full examination of a neuro patient has been converted into an interactive learning experience, guiding students and new clinicians through the thought process of an expert during the evaluation session. This experience includes formative feedback and interactive quizzing to help develop clinical reasoning. These e-learning modules allow for score reporting and tracking of time spent in each module
Case studies built on clinic-based patient videos have been created to enhance clinical reasoning development and to create opportunities to engage students in context-rich learning environments. These cases include clients in the following categories:
The NeuroRehab app also includes a centralized hub for available online resources and websites to facilitate clinician and student access to enhance evidence-based clinical practice.
The next generation of learning in Neurological Rehabilitation. Brought to you by the team at OTu!