Join Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Join Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Hi Everyone, It’s Mike from OTu,
We are excited to announce a big new update to the NeuroRehab app, authored by Dr. Sara Kraft and created in Partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina.
In this new update, all intervention videos have been carefully reorganized by impairments or functional movements to improve searchability while improving usability in the clinic and the classroom.
A full examination of a neuro patient has been converted into an interactive learning experience, guiding students and new clinicians through the thought process of an expert during the evaluation session. This experience includes formative feedback and interactive quizzing to help develop clinical reasoning. These e-learning modules allow for score reporting and tracking of time spent in each module
Case studies built on clinic-based patient videos have been created to enhance clinical reasoning development and to create opportunities to engage students in context-rich learning environments. These cases include clients in the following categories:
Spinal cord injury
Traumatic brain injury
Parkinson’s disease
Wheelchair- Evaluation and intervention
The NeuroRehab app also includes a centralized hub for available online resources and websites to facilitate clinician and student access to enhance evidence-based clinical practice.
The next generation of learning in Neurological Rehabilitation. Brought to you by the team at OTu!
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
00:00 Introduction
00:56 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction
02:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction
03:50 James Syms Introduction
04:50 Developing Clinical Reasoning to Analyze Occupations
08:50 Analysis of Occupation app
32:20 Lab Handouts36:00Case Studies
40:24 OTu The Benefit for Academic Programs
46:00 Student Prices
50:00 Previous Webinars
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:45 Mike Wong Founder Introduction
00:02:16 James Syms Introduction
00:02:50 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction
00:03:50 NeuroAnatomy app
00:15:49 NeuroAnatomy Explorer
00:25:04 Educator Resources
00:29:00 Cost Benefits of OTu
00:32:55 Augmented Reality to the Rescue!
00:35:38 PNF app
00:39:34 The Added Benefit for Academic Programs
00:40:05 Lab Handouts/Resources
Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.
00:00:00 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction
00:24:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction
00:01:49 How to bring Palpation into the classroom
00:02:53 Graded Exposure for Skill Training
00:08:53 ROM,MMT, Palpation app
00:22:01 Surface Anatomy Palpation app
00:26:00 Simulations
00:33:55 Faculty Resources
00:44:00 Student rates
00:50:06 Lab Handouts
01:04:38 Apps that are coming soon
01:09:52 Faculty Educator Resources
01:18:52 Patient Education
While you are logged in and scrolling away at different techniques, conditions, or interventions, simply click the Educator Tools icon 🎓 (located at the top right corner of the page) and choose from three options.
You can easily COPY any of the content below and PASTE it to your presentation and handouts!
ADD VIDEOS IN 4 easy steps:
Choose an app that matches your class or topic
Find the procedure you want to link to your lab or lecture
Open the Educator Tools from the Educator Tools icon 🎓 at the top right of the page and select an option:
Copy Page Title with Link
Copy Thumbnail Image
Copy Page URL
4. Paste Page Title with Link and Thumbnail Image into your lectures and labs or link the Page URL to already existing text
Check out the video below for a step-by-step demonstration:
Still need help? Schedule a call with our expert team to learn more!
After 2 years of research and development, the OTu team is proud to deliver these new apps and modules to our users. They are now officially available on our web app. Click an app to learn more:
Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!
Analysis of Occupation
The Analysis of Occupation App was designed to bring the client into the classroom! Based on the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework1, the OTu team followed clients into their home setting, capturing glimpses of activity or occupation in the context of the clients living environment. Multiple angle videos allow for detailed analysis and discussion as young clinicians develop the skill of activity analysis.
The app starts with the “Activity Analysis Instruction” section, which includes analysis and documentation of three common activities by Dr. Jayna Niblock Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L, BCP, BCTS:
Money management
The clients featured in the app span a spectrum of different genders, ethnicities, and conditions including:
“Typical” male
“Typical” female
Client Post Total Hip Replacement
Client with Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Client with C5 Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Client Post Cerebrovascular Accident
Each Client was filmed performing a range of activities in their home environment:
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Instrumented Activities of Daily Living (IADL’s)
Health Management
Rest and Sleep
Case studies and analysis worksheets are integrated into the app for classroom activities, discussion, and development of activity analysis skills.
Special Acknowledgements:
Special thanks to Dr. Lou Jensen OTD, OTR/L for her consultation and guidance in the early design of this app.
Special thanks to Dr. Jayna Niblock Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L, BCP, BCTS for her contributions to app design and analysis of occupation “instruction” section.
Special thanks to all of the clients who invited us into their homes and into their lives, so that we could create learning tools to elevate professional education.
American Occupational Therapy Association. (2020). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process (4th ed.). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(Suppl. 2), 7412410010.
Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!
We are proud to announce our exciting new NeuroAnatomy App.
Intentionally designed with progressively more challenging activities, it provides opportunities for the learner to build a solid foundation of neuroanatomy for clinical practice. Beautiful graphics include an interactive 3D model of the brain and spinal cord, with actual human anatomical slices that are labeled with explanations.
Content expert Charlotte Chatto, PT, Ph.D., Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy has had a passion for finding creative ways of teaching neuroanatomy and treating patients with neurologic conditions for over 30 years.
In the four Neuroanatomy Explorer Challenges, each with multiple sections, practice questions cover basic concepts, structures, functions, and dysfunctions of the brain and spinal cord. Interactive Mini-Games are incorporated into the Challenges to reward the learner with fun facts about the nervous system.
In Learn by Slice, the learner can choose a slice of the brain or spinal cord and explore the major structures on the slice by clicking on anatomical pins to reveal explanations.
In Learn by Tract, the learner can understand connections between anatomical structures, through short explainer videos, overview images, and clickable structures, to reveal the location and function of major motor and sensory tracts.
Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!
A few words from our founder, Dr. Mike Wong, about the upcoming summer product release: this covers NeuroAnatomy and Analysis of Occupation!
Look out for this release in your OTu account this month!
Dear Faculty Fellows,
The Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation App (PNF) has been added to your Web App Suite!
Announcement from Dr. Michael Wong
App WalkThrough and Lab Handouts
You can find the PNF lab handouts here. It's under the "Teaching Content" section.
If you are a faculty member and don't have a OTu login, please submit your request here.
Please feel free to start using it and sending us feedback to We can make adjustments "Over the air"!