Posts in Faculty webinar
Creating Learning Environments to Analyze Occupations

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Introduction

00:56 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

02:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

03:50 James Syms Introduction

04:50 Developing Clinical Reasoning to Analyze Occupations

08:50 Analysis of Occupation app

32:20 Lab Handouts36:00Case Studies

40:24 OTu The Benefit for Academic Programs

46:00 Student Prices

50:00 Previous Webinars

Bringing NeuroAnatomy and PNF Content for Function

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00:00 Introduction

00:00:45 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

00:02:16 James Syms Introduction

00:02:50 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

00:03:50 NeuroAnatomy app

00:15:49 NeuroAnatomy Explorer

00:25:04 Educator Resources

00:29:00 Cost Benefits of OTu

00:32:55 Augmented Reality to the Rescue!

00:35:38 PNF app

00:39:34 The Added Benefit for Academic Programs

00:40:05 Lab Handouts/Resources

Applying Clinical Reasoning into ROM and MMT Assessment

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00:00 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

00:24:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

00:01:49 How to bring Palpation into the classroom

00:02:53 Graded Exposure for Skill Training

00:08:53 ROM,MMT, Palpation app

00:22:01 Surface Anatomy Palpation app

00:26:00 Simulations

00:33:55 Faculty Resources

00:44:00 Student rates

00:50:06 Lab Handouts

01:04:38 Apps that are coming soon

01:09:52 Faculty Educator Resources

01:18:52 Patient Education

Enhancing Learning with OTu Apps

Join Dr. Michael Wong and Dr. Jayna Niblock in an interactive discussion about OTu apps for deep learning and how the apps are being used in the classroom.

0:10 Introduction
1:15 Dr. David Plutschack Introduction
2:04 Dr. Michael Wong Introduction
3:03 Dr. Jayna Niblock Introduction
4:14 Strategic Partnership with Star Institute
5:11 What is OT-U and why did we do it?
7:37 Top 3 Objectives
8:18:00 What is OT-U?
9:30:00 OTU apps for your Fundamental Skills
14:30:00 OTU apps for your Virtual Classroom
15:30:00 3 main Challenges for Learning
17:15:00 How to use lab handouts
20:37:00 Assistive devices/Transfer training app
25:45:00 NeuroExam app
28:22:00 Splinting Fabrication app in classroom
33:35:00 Case Studies available in apps
34:38:00 Virtual labs
38:27:00 How to use Developmental milestones
45:53:00 Seeing the big picture
46:10:00 Using Clinical Pattern Recognition to build context
53:45:00 Clinicians can also use these apps
55:00:00 Activity Analysis
59:00:00 Adaptive Equipment Pro
59:56:00 Sensory Integration app
1:00:57 Apps on the way
1:01:56 In collaboration with Multiple Universities
1:02:11 Cost to students

Deep dive: Using OTu to enhance your Neurology and Assistive Devices courses

Using the NeroExam and Assistive Devices apps to enhance your courses.

Join Dr. David Plutschack, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CLT, CEASII for a short 30 minute "Best" practices for using the NeuroExam and Assistive Devices apps in your classroom.



  • 8/28 OTu in the Online Occupational Therapy Classroom register

  • 9/4 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your ROM/MMT and modalities courses register

  • 9/11 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your Lines and Tubes and Cardiopulmonary courses register

Deep dive: Using OTu to enhance your Orthopaedic and Splinting course

Watch these "Best" practices for using the Orthopaedic and Splinting apps in your classroom hosted by Dr. David Plutschack, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CLT, CEASII



  • 8/28 OTu in the Online Occupational Therapy Classroom register

  • 9/4 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your ROM/MMT and modalities courses register

  • 9/11 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your Lines and Tubes and Cardiopulmonary courses register

OTu in the Online Occupational Therapy Classroom

A quick user guide webinar and roundtable discussion as we explore how to serve our students well in this challenging time! Watch this recorded webinar hosted by Dr. David Plutschack, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CLT, CEASII, focusing on Simple ways to integrate OTu technology into your online classroom.



  • 8/7 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your Orthopaedic and Splinting courses register

  • 8/14  Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your Neurology and Assistive Devices courses register

  • 8/28 OTu in the Online Occupational Therapy Classroom register

  • 9/4 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your ROM/MMT and modalities courses register

  • 9/11 Deep Dive: Using OTu to enhance your Lines and Tubes and Cardiopulmonary courses register