Building Visual Constructs for Splinting

Join Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Yvonne Randall Introduction

00:35 Michael Wong Introduction

02:53 James Syms Introduction

03:56 Use of other OTu apps to help build student confidence

06:09 Splinting app

29:38 Student rates and benefits

35:28 How to get faculty access

37:40 Benefits of OTu

41:56 Simulations

48:25 Code Standards

NeuroRehab update: Many improvements for better organization, search & usability

Hi Everyone, It’s Mike from OTu,

We are excited to announce a big new update to the NeuroRehab app, authored by Dr. Sara Kraft and created in Partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina.

In this new update, all intervention videos have been carefully reorganized by impairments or functional movements to improve searchability while improving usability in the clinic and the classroom.

A full examination of a neuro patient has been converted into an interactive learning experience, guiding students and new clinicians through the thought process of an expert during the evaluation session. This experience includes formative feedback and interactive quizzing to help develop clinical reasoning. These e-learning modules allow for score reporting and tracking of time spent in each module

Case studies built on clinic-based patient videos have been created to enhance clinical reasoning development and to create opportunities to engage students in context-rich learning environments. These cases include clients in the following categories:

  • Stroke

  • Spinal cord injury

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Wheelchair- Evaluation and intervention

The NeuroRehab app also includes a centralized hub for available online resources and websites to facilitate clinician and student access to enhance evidence-based clinical practice.

The next generation of learning in Neurological Rehabilitation. Brought to you by the team at OTu!

Creating Learning Environments to Analyze Occupations

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Yvonne Randall Introduction

01:27 James Syms Introduction

02:46 Why OTu?

16:16 Analysis of Occupational Performance App

40:20 Other useful apps

43:31 Constructing knowledge through OTu

47:31 Cost for students

48:36 How to get your complementary faculty access

49:35 Lab Handouts available to you

Applying Clinical Reasoning into ROM and MMT assessment

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Yvonne Randall Introduction

01:40 What does OTu bring to the table?

05:02 ROM, MMT, and Palpation app

18:35 Simulations

26:50 How to get your complementary access?

28:10 Lab Handouts

31:46 OTu Curriculum Standards

39:00 OTu apps available to you as faculty

47:00 Student Rates

Creating Learning Environments to Analyze Occupations

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00 Introduction

00:56 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

02:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

03:50 James Syms Introduction

04:50 Developing Clinical Reasoning to Analyze Occupations

08:50 Analysis of Occupation app

32:20 Lab Handouts36:00Case Studies

40:24 OTu The Benefit for Academic Programs

46:00 Student Prices

50:00 Previous Webinars

Bringing NeuroAnatomy and PNF Content for Function

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00:00 Introduction

00:00:45 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

00:02:16 James Syms Introduction

00:02:50 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

00:03:50 NeuroAnatomy app

00:15:49 NeuroAnatomy Explorer

00:25:04 Educator Resources

00:29:00 Cost Benefits of OTu

00:32:55 Augmented Reality to the Rescue!

00:35:38 PNF app

00:39:34 The Added Benefit for Academic Programs

00:40:05 Lab Handouts/Resources

Applying Clinical Reasoning into ROM and MMT Assessment

Join Dr. Michael Wong, Founder of OTu, and Dr. Yvonne Randall, OTu Education Lead for a 45-minute session on "Best" practices for using these apps in your classes.

00:00:00 Yvonne Randall Education Lead Introduction

00:24:00 Mike Wong Founder Introduction

00:01:49 How to bring Palpation into the classroom

00:02:53 Graded Exposure for Skill Training

00:08:53 ROM,MMT, Palpation app

00:22:01 Surface Anatomy Palpation app

00:26:00 Simulations

00:33:55 Faculty Resources

00:44:00 Student rates

00:50:06 Lab Handouts

01:04:38 Apps that are coming soon

01:09:52 Faculty Educator Resources

01:18:52 Patient Education

Supercharging OT Education with these exciting updates!
  • We are delighted to welcome our new Education Lead - Dr. Yvonne Randall

  • Faculty webinars are back!

  • Simulations & e-learning modules are now available in the webapp

Supercharging the OTu team - Yvonne Randall, EdD, MHA, OTR/L, FAOTA

Dr. Randall brings 25 years of higher education experience to the OTu team. She also brings a leadership focus in her past roles as Chairperson of the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC), Treasurer – Society for the Study of Occupation (SSO: USA), Speaker – AOTA Representative Assembly, AOTA Board of Directors, President – Nevada Occupational Therapy Association, and Mentor – AOTA Emerging Leaders Development Program. 

Her curriculum development, teaching, and learning expertise will lead content development for OTu. She will host the summer series of webinars to help you take your course and your program to another level. 


Simulations & eLearning Modules are finally available in the OTu webapp suite!

The OTu education lead team is delighted to announce new simulation & e-learning modules that have just been added to the web app.

  • Prepare for tests and quizzes

  • Self-knowledge checks

  • Develop clinical reasoning

  • Board exam test preparation


Short patient-based scenarios designed to help students apply and interpret learned knowledge in a simulated clinical environment.


Typically broken into several “chapters” consistent with the components of an evaluation or treatment sessions, and often used as homework or pre-work. Students will be able to synthesize and apply content that they have already been exposed to.


Simple, short, and easily deployed. These mini-assessments help the students draw on the knowledge they have acquired, and can be used as quizzes or exam preparation.

Click any of the apps below and begin to explore these modules!

ProductsMichael Wong
How to add videos to your lectures and handouts

While you are logged in and scrolling away at different techniques, conditions, or interventions, simply click the Educator Tools icon 🎓 (located at the top right corner of the page) and choose from three options.

You can easily COPY any of the content below and PASTE it to your presentation and handouts!

ADD VIDEOS IN 4 easy steps:

  1. Choose an app that matches your class or topic

  2. Find the procedure you want to link to your lab or lecture

  3. Open the Educator Tools from the Educator Tools icon 🎓 at the top right of the page and select an option:

    • Copy Page Title with Link

    • Copy Thumbnail Image

    • Copy Page URL

4. Paste Page Title with Link and Thumbnail Image into your lectures and labs or link the Page URL to already existing text

Check out the video below for a step-by-step demonstration:

Still need help? Schedule a call with our expert team to learn more!

Faculty, GuideMichael Wong
2022 Summer release is finally here!

After 2 years of research and development, the OTu team is proud to deliver these new apps and modules to our users. They are now officially available on our web app. Click an app to learn more:

Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!


Analysis of Occupation


The Analysis of Occupation App was designed to bring the client into the classroom! Based on the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework1, the OTu team followed clients into their home setting, capturing glimpses of activity or occupation in the context of the clients living environment. Multiple angle videos allow for detailed analysis and discussion as young clinicians develop the skill of activity analysis.

The app starts with the “Activity Analysis Instruction” section, which includes analysis and documentation of three common activities by Dr. Jayna Niblock Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L, BCP, BCTS:

  • Feeding

  • Toileting

  • Money management

The clients featured in the app span a spectrum of different genders, ethnicities, and conditions including:

  • “Typical” male

  • “Typical” female

  • Client Post Total Hip Replacement

  • Client with Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • Client with C5 Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

  • Client Post Cerebrovascular Accident

Each Client was filmed performing a range of activities in their home environment:

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

  • Instrumented Activities of Daily Living (IADL’s)

  • Health Management

  • Rest and Sleep

  • Leisure

Case studies and analysis worksheets are integrated into the app for classroom activities, discussion, and development of activity analysis skills.

Special Acknowledgements:

  • Special thanks to Dr. Lou Jensen OTD, OTR/L for her consultation and guidance in the early design of this app.

  • Special thanks to Dr. Jayna Niblock Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L, BCP, BCTS for her contributions to app design and analysis of occupation “instruction” section.

  • Special thanks to all of the clients who invited us into their homes and into their lives, so that we could create learning tools to elevate professional education.

American Occupational Therapy Association. (2020). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process (4th ed.). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(Suppl. 2), 7412410010.

Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!




We are proud to announce our exciting new NeuroAnatomy App.

Intentionally designed with progressively more challenging activities, it provides opportunities for the learner to build a solid foundation of neuroanatomy for clinical practice. Beautiful graphics include an interactive 3D model of the brain and spinal cord, with actual human anatomical slices that are labeled with explanations.

Content expert Charlotte Chatto, PT, Ph.D., Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy has had a passion for finding creative ways of teaching neuroanatomy and treating patients with neurologic conditions for over 30 years. 


  • In the four Neuroanatomy Explorer Challenges, each with multiple sections, practice questions cover basic concepts, structures, functions, and dysfunctions of the brain and spinal cord. Interactive Mini-Games are incorporated into the Challenges to reward the learner with fun facts about the nervous system. 

  • In Learn by Slice, the learner can choose a slice of the brain or spinal cord and explore the major structures on the slice by clicking on anatomical pins to reveal explanations. 

In Learn by Tract, the learner can understand connections between anatomical structures, through short explainer videos, overview images, and clickable structures, to reveal the location and function of major motor and sensory tracts.

Log in to your OTu account and check it out! Don’t already have an OTu account? Create a trial account here!

Summer Release Preview: NeuroAnatomy & Analysis of Occupation

A few words from our founder, Dr. Mike Wong, about the upcoming summer product release: this covers NeuroAnatomy and Analysis of Occupation!

Look out for this release in your OTu account this month!

Sharing Options in OTu

OTu has become even more social!

While you are logged in and scrolling away at different techniques, conditions, or exercises, you will see that there is an arrow on the right side of your screen that allows the side bar to appear.

Once the sidebar appears, you will be able to see the tab Share Page with 2 options. If you would like to quickly send the link via text message or email, it is best to select Copy This Page URL to Share.

Simply, click Copy This Page URL to Share to a new text message or email so that others can also enjoy what PhysioU has to offer.

GuideKamren Ackerman
Bookmark your favorite techniques to create a study guide to succeed

Did you notice this little icon added on to your OTu webapp recently? You can locate it on the upper right corner of your webapp.


Now once you have discovered a technique, an exercise, a condition, or a case study you would like to bookmark, click the bottom right arrow to allow the sidebar to appear. Then click Add Bookmark.

Add the bookmark to your Main list or a specific custom group you plan to create or have created. Below we have created a group, “Shoulder Pain with Mobility Deficits” to provide an example for you to see.


Below are the apps in your account that may use the bookmark feature. We are working hard to make this feature available in the rest of the apps soon.

  1. Orthopaedics

  2. Exercise Patterns

  3. Evidence-based Taping

  4. Pharmacology

  5. Acute Care Simulations

  6. Neuro Simulations

  7. Ortho Simulations

  8. Physical Agents Simulations

  9. ROM/MMT Simulations



If you are wondering how we made a custom group name, look below! Very easy to do so that 5000+ videos can be seamlessly found! The section headings take your organization skills one step further!

1) Click “Create” to start a group

2) Enter a name to group your bookmarks in one place

3) Add a section heading to organize your bookmarks into different groups

4) Now your bookmarks are organized! It’s that simple!

GuideKamren Ackerman
Create Home Exercise Programs with Exercise Patterns

Curious about what exercises are the BEST exercises for your patients?

When using Exercise Patterns, we guarantee an evidence-based exercise approach that allows you to save time when building patient programs, address specific concerns with specific exercises, and create programs for exclusive patient needs.

Once in the Exercise Patterns web app, you will notice we have all exercises categorized by:

  • Body Region

    • Once in a specific body region, you will be able to navigate further to address unique patient needs:

      • Musculoskeletal Patterns

      • Post-Operative Programs

      • Performance

Easy, Effective, and Efficient

Did you know you can also email your program directly to your patients through our app?

HOW-TO add web app on your mobile devices?

The great thing about our web app version is that not only you can use it on your laptop, but it also works wonderfully on any mobile device. Follow these easy steps to add the OTu web app to your home screen on any smartphone and tablet.

STEP 1: Open up a mobile browser and type in

STEP 2: Enter your registered email and password. Make sure to check the box next to 'Remember me.' This way you won't need to log in again on your next visit.’

STEP 3: Then follow the Model-specific instructions:

  • If you have an Android device, please follow this link for detailed instructions. Android devices

  • If you have an iPhone/iPad, please follow this link for detailed instructions. iPhone / iPad

That’s it!

GuideMichael Wong